The Greatest Good

Our family’s favorite movie is the Pixar animated film The Incredibles. It is a very witty look at family life, with a lot of special superhero powers to make it lots of fun.

Our favorite scene, one that every one of us can quote verbatim, fits with what Jim spoke about on Sunday in his sermon on husbands.  It is a conversation between the superhero Frozone, who is looking for his superhero supersuit because he notices an enemy attacking the city outside his window, and his wife, Honey.

That last line is powerful, “I am your wife. I am the greatest good you are ever going to get.”

Husbands, there will always be something masquerading as the “greater good” outside your window.  Sometimes, you do have to leave and take care of the responsibilities that God has given you.

But, most of the time do your actions show that your wife is the greatest good you are ever going to get?

All is well,



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