How Do I Know?

One question I have been asked several times since we started the series on spiritual warfare is:

How can I tell if I am experiencing demonic influence or oppression?  If I am feeling discouraged and depressed, how can I tell if this is the result of attacks from the enemy or simply a recurring personality issue?

Since we are holistic beings, it is wise to pursue all possibilities at once.  It is wise to investigate any physical, emotional and/or spiritual causes.

With that in mind, here are some signs of satanic oppression:

  • Voices in your head that make accusations or tell you to hurt yourself or others
  • Recurring nightmares or panic attacks that disrupt sleep
  • Aversion to the physical touch or refusal to make eye contact with a person in spiritual authority
  • Visible reaction, whether positive or negative, to Scripture reading and prayer
  • Physical sickness/nausea, immobilizing fear, or an irresistible urge to avoid worship services, Christian community or baptism
  • Stubborn refusal to acknowledge one’s own sin and sinfulness
  • Feelings that something or someone is opposing you and your actions
  • Inability to make the right decision
  • Sense of darkness or an irrational hopelessness
  • Symptoms or difficulties that persist after addressing physical and emotional issues

In addition to these symptoms of spiritual warfare, there may also be predictive activities that can lead to demonic influence.  We will talk about these this Sunday.




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