Howard Hendricks

Dr. Howard Hendricks, known to most people simply as “Prof,” died on Wednesday, Feb. 20.  He taught at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) for nearly 60 years.

Howard Hendricks was one of the many reasons why I attended DTS. In addition to being blessed through his traveling preaching and writing ministries, I had the opportunity to meet with Prof at the old Harley Hotel. During that conversation he strongly encouraged me to go to seminary. After that point we kept in touch through email and then had many personal interactions when I got to Dallas. I loved the times we ate breakfast together at La Madeline’s, met in his office, heard him teach on bible study methods and hermeneutics in class, and interacted with him on seminary retreats. Like many others I was truly blessed by his gifts in the area of discipleship. Even after graduation, he continued to bless my life as I used his book, Living by the Book, to teach bible study methods. He was one of a kind and I am so grateful for how God used him in my life and the lives of countless others. I am sure that God is now rewarding him generously for his faithful service. He is will be greatly missed.

Howard Hendricks had a lasting impact on my life. First, he taught my father when he was a student at DTS, and then I was able to take Hendricks’ bible study methods class when I attended DTS so I benefited from his teaching beginning when I was a young child. His enthusiasm for the bible and teaching, famously and frequently summarized as “It is a sin to bore people with the bible,” was infectious. He and his wife, Jeanne, were also wonderful about meeting with and encouraging students on ministry, marriage and family life issues. I regularly teach from Living By the Book, and so his legacy continues here at Calvary. He was a treasure and servant of the Gospel. On a personal note, he and Jeanne passed along their old kitchen table to our family. As I grew up, that blue table was the centerpiece of our family’s life, made possible in part by the Hendricks’ generosity.

This tribute video was made for his retirement from teaching in 2010.

More information about Dr. Hendricks can be found on the DTS website.


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