Welcome to Olives & Coffee

Our prayer is that the resources on this website are an encouragement to you wherever you are on your spiritual journey as together we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who comforts our weary hearts, frees us from the stranglehold of sin and strengthens us to run the race with joy (Hebrews 12:1-3).

Latest Blog Post

Blessing of Everyday Rhythms

The Blessing of Everyday Rhythms post explores an important lesson I’ve learned from making breakfast. “Just as there are routines that help make something small,

The Scroll of Remembrance

The Scroll of Remembrance series is a prophetic parable designed to teach spiritual truths in an engaging way. The first book, Passage to the House of Power, details the harrowing adventures of Rom as he awakens in the Land of Sebi. Guides, gifts and friends lead him on a journey toward the one decision we all must make. Learn more!

Why Olives & Coffee?

Olives & Coffee. The Name.

We stumbled upon this crazy name as we were trying to put into words the reality that while we share a passion for ministry, we have individual gifts and perspectives that are really quite different. Creating one website hopefully allow us to both celebrate those differences as well as explore how they intersect. 

Olives & Coffee. Our Views.

Lisa I was in my 30s before I started drinking coffee (having four kids close together was a significant catalyst). I find it a small grace to wake each morning to the smell of a fresh pot of coffee.

Jim I grew up bringing coffee to my parents in bed each morning as they worked on the newspaper crossword puzzle. I never even took a sip because I hated the smell. I’ve only tasted coffee on a few rare occasions where it would have been culturally insensitive to turn it down.

Lisa There are very few things in the world that I avoid eating and olives are the top of the list. Olive trees and olive oil are beautiful and useful. I even have a reproduction of Van Gogh’s “Olive Trees” hanging above my desk in my office. But the actual olive is not for me.

Jim There are few greater pleasures in life than a good, briny Kalamata olive. One of my favorite meals is a loaf of fresh bread and a selection of olives from a bakery. It is economical, delicious and fast.

Olives & Coffee.  Join Us.  

Whether you like olives, prefer a hot cup of coffee, or don’t care for either one, we are glad you found this site. We hope you pour your favorite beverage, grab a tasty snack and stay awhile as we explore issues of faith.