Psalm 46

In a section in her book Calm My Anxious Heart entitled, “Martin Luther’s Favorite Psalm,” Linda Dillow writes,

The Song of Holy Confident, Psalm 46, carries an important message for our hearts:  No matter what storm sweeps across our lives, we can hide in the secure refuge of His presence.  Throughout the centuries, many (including me) have loved this strong word of encouragement.  Martin Luther’s name is often associated with the book of Romans and justification by faith, but Luther also loved the Psalms and taught them for years.  During the difficult and dark days of the Reformation, when Luther became discouraged, he would turn to his colleague Philipp Melanchthon and say, “My friend, let’s go sing the forty-sixth!”  The promises of this psalm so lifted Luther’s spirit that he wrote a majestic hymn around its message, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God.”

Linda Dillow, Calm My Anxious Heart

A Mighty Fortress of a God performed by The Roger Wagner Chorale


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