Lent 2014

As we begin Lent, Calvary’s devotional book encourages us to start by reading our benediction for the Refuge series, I Peter 5:10-11, every day this week.


As we take time to reflect on the promise of this benediction, we remember that we cannot read the words of Peter without reflecting on the life of Peter.

Peter, writing to encourage us to be strong, firm and steadfast, knows what it means to sink under doubt and suffering (Matthew 14:22-33; Luke 22:54-62).

Peter, writing to let us know that God will himself restore us, knows what it means to experience that forgiveness (John 21).

As we reflect on God’s great promises, we hope this song, Oceans (Where Feet May Fail), will be a beautiful reminder of these truths this Lenten season.

May God bless you as we prepare for Easter.

Jim and Lisa

The verse design is from ToSuchAsTheseDesigns.


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