James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude Commentary

Jim wrote the Teach the Text Commentary Series volume covering the New Testament books of James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude.

“Jim Samra provides insightful and pastoral commentary on these powerful books.  James addresses faith and works, the role of mercy, and Scripture. First Peter takes up God’s plan of salvation and the issue of Christian suffering. It’s an encouragement to faithful discipleship as sojourners in a hostile world. Second Peter exhorts us to growth and faithfulness, specifically in the face of false teachers. The short book of Jude emphasizes contending for the apostolic faith in the face of ungodliness in the church and society.” Editors, Teach the Text Commentary Series

The Teach the Text series published by Baker Books “is designed to provide a ready reference for teaching the biblical text, giving easy access to information that is needed to communicate a passage effectively.” Written specifically to assist preachers and teachers understand the themes of the text, the series also provides insights and illustrations to aid readers in preparing and delivering biblically based sermons.

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