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God-Given Skills and Talents
In the article that inspired today’s devotional, Mohr was quoted as describing himself as “just a piano tuner who loves the Lord.” But he was one of the world’s premier piano technicians whose expertise and skill made it possible for world-famous pianists to give great performances. More importantly Mohr viewed
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Not Irrelevant in God’s Eyes
Brock Purdy was “Mr. Irrelevant” in 2022, a nickname given to the last player selected in the NFL draft. One scout for a team that

Let My People Go
The beauty of art is that it can move us to consider even a familiar story in a new way. The painting, Let My People

Welcome Baby Jesus!
For weeks and months, your family (especially if you have little ones) have been anticipating Christmas morning. On the very first Christmas morning the wait

Entering Into the Christmas Story
Whether you love decorating for the holidays or prefer admiring others’ creativity, all the beautiful Christmas displays can be an invitation to consider that Christmas

The Spirit of Christmas
At our church’s annual party for new international families to our community, I heard a beautiful Middle Eastern Christmas carol, Laylat Al-Milad, that offered a

Pardoned by God
Happy Thanksgiving! One of the more unusual Thanksgiving traditions (other than marshmallows on sweet potatoes – yum!) is the annual pardoning of one or two

Courage from the Shepherd
Psalm 23 is a beloved psalm because it gives us needed encouragement every time we read it. Today’s devotional about a game-winning field goal kick

Jesus the Branch
Walking into the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona, AZ, I was immediately captivated by the large cross filling the front of the chapel.

Blessing of Everyday Rhythms
The Blessing of Everyday Rhythms post explores an important lesson I’ve learned from making breakfast. “Just as there are routines that help make something small,

Ain’t No Grave
Johnny Cash’s version of the Gospel hymn “Ain’t No Grave” served as Cash’s declaration that the grave was not his final destination. The song inspired

Heaven is Singing
Hallelujah is a declaration of praise to God recognizable in most languages. Hearing it in a beautiful Spanish song was the inspiration for today’s devotional

Belonging and connection are hardwired into every human soul because we are created for community. The recent discovery of an extensive genealogical family tree sparked

Heavenly Abundance
Have you ever been overwhelmed by abundance? Today’s devotional recounts how an unexpected abundance of bananas helped me consider other areas of blessing in my

The Courage to Tell Our Stories
I love baptism Sundays. This article reflects on the courage of men and women who’d recently shared their stories before baptism and how we all

Extending Christ’s Kindness
Kindness or Revenge? A viral video of a boy choosing kindness (Little League Kindness) when accidentally hit by a wild pitch highlights the impact of

Technology: The Tool and the Temptation
Jim joined Andrew Mitchell and Sean Salitro on their podcast to talk about technology. Enjoy the conversation. And if you want to dig deeper, consider

I was honored to be included in an Our Daily Bread devotional entitled, “Unshakeable: 10 Reflections on Resilience.” You can read my reflection on what

God’s Tender Love
A viral video of a dad tenderly holding his newborn beautifully captures God’s tender love. In Hosea 11, God’s love for Israel is described as