
The Passage to the House of Power
The Passage to the House of Power is the first book in the Scroll of Remembrance series. A prophetic parable designed to teach spiritual truths in an engaging way, it is part Pilgrim’s Progress, part Odyssey, and part Chronicles of Narnia. The Passage to the House of Power details the harrowing adventures of Rom as he awakens in the Land of Sebi, unaware of the role for which he has been chosen, nor the powers bent on stopping him. Guides, gifts and friends lead him on an unexpected journey toward the one decision we all must make.

God Sees Her
God Sees Her is the newest collection of Our Daily Bread devotionals written by women compiled into a daily devotional. It is the follow-up to God Sees Her. Lisa is delighted to be included in both compilations.

Going the Distance
How is training to run similar to strengthening your faith? Developing spiritual disciplines, like gaining physical stamina, is aided through consistency and self-control that becomes easier over time. Engaging with spiritual disciplines rooted in Scripture can help you on your faith journey as you run towards the ultimate goal – becoming more like Jesus.

James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude Commentary
Jim wrote the Teach the Text Commentary Series volume covering the New Testament books of James, 1 & 2 Peter and Jude. “Jim Samra provides insightful and pastoral commentary on these powerful books. James addresses faith and works, the role of mercy, and Scripture. First Peter takes up God’s plan of salvation and the issue of Christian suffering. It’s an encouragement to faithful discipleship as sojourners in a hostile world. Second Peter exhorts us to growth and faithfulness, specifically in the face of false teachers. The short book of Jude emphasizes contending for the apostolic faith in the face of ungodliness in the church and society.” Editors, Teach the Text Commentary Series The Teach the Text series published by Baker Books “is designed to provide a ready reference for teaching the biblical text, giving easy access to information that is needed to communicate a passage effectively.” Written specifically to assist preachers and teachers

God Told Me
Have you ever wanted to ask God for direction in your life, whether seemingly monumental decisions or the smaller decisions you face on a regular basis? If you are like most Christians, the answer “Of course!” is usually followed by “How?” God Told Meexplores biblical guidelines for how Christians can actively listen for God’s voice to lead them from the trivial to the life-changing. In Part One, Jim provides insights into four overarching questions usually associated with seeking God’s guidance: What is Guidance from God? Why Listen for Guidance from God? How Does God Speak to Us? How Do We Distinguish God’s Voice? Part Two explores specific ways God speaks to believers and practical suggestions for how to actively listen for his voice. If you have ever wanted to ask God for guidance, God Told Me is a great resource to help you discern his direction for the decisions you face today.

Gift of Church
As a pastor, Jim has frequently been asked the question “Do I really need to go to church?” The Gift of Church is his passionate encouragement that participating in a local church is not a legalistic requirement but a gift given by God for our benefit and his glory. Understanding God’s design for the church can help us embrace participation in a local church despite the difficulties or frustrations we may have experienced, and help us encourage others to understand the importance of the involvement in a local church to live a life of faith. An easily accessible theology of church, The Gift of Churchwill help you to think deeply about God’s design and purpose for the local church.

Being Conformed to Christ in Community
Being Conformed to Christ in Community: A Study of Maturity, Maturation and the Local Church in the Undisputed Pauline Epistles If you would like to explore a deeper theology of church (ecclesiology), consider Being Conformed to Christ in Community, a condensed version of Jim’s doctoral dissertation. “This work began as a doctoral dissertation, which was accepted by the faculty of theology at the University of Oxford in the Spring of 2004. The study originated as an attempt to answer the question, ‘Why did Paul start churches?’ The answer that this work proposes is that Paul worked diligently to begin and maintain churches because he felt he was responsible for delivering mature believers on the day of Christ and that church was the place where and the means through which believers would come to maturity. As the study progressed, it became necessary not only to focus on Paul’s view of church, but