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Heaven is Singing
Hallelujah is a declaration of praise to God recognizable in most languages. Hearing it in a beautiful Spanish song was the inspiration for today’s devotional of the coming heavenly reality when all of heaven will sing “Hallelujah” together. All is well, Lisa
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Helmet of Salvation
This week’s sermon explained how through the promised Holy Spirit, God allows the future to begin to break into the present. This truth applies to
Childlike Faith
Real conversation in our home this week: Kid: Mom, I think we should pray about God giving us a [toy]. Mom: That’s a great idea.
Bonhoeffer and Diversity
Our guest preacher yesterday, Joel Lawrence, did his PhD on Bonhoeffer, a German theologian who was killed by the Nazis in a concentration camp just
Prayer Quote
When a Christian shuns fellowship with other Christians, the devil smiles. When he stops studying the Bible, the devil laughs. When he stops praying, the
The Screwtape Letters
I was reminded at dinner tonight with some friends of this part of The Screwtape Letters by C. S. Lewis. The Screwtape Letters is the
Les Miserables Movie
This December, Les Miserables — commonly referred to as Les Mis, is coming back to the big screen. There are been twelve movie versions in the past (Jim
Question on Demonic Influence
The following question was asked online: Is it possible that the person who committed the murders in Colorado acted without demonic influence? When human beings
700 Club Interactive Interview
Following is Jim’s interview on the 700 Club Interactive from Tuesday related to his new book, God Told Me. Hope you enjoy hearing Jim talk
How Do I Know?
One question I have been asked several times since we started the series on spiritual warfare is: How can I tell if I am experiencing demonic influence or oppression?
Armor of God
We must not confide in the armor of God, but in the God of this armor, because all our weapons are only mighty through God.
Our trip to England was great and Jim got a lot done. If you have any doubts, see his post from Sunday. But, it was much
One of the absolute best things about traveling is making new acquaintances. In Cambridge, we had the most delightful tea with Sir Fred and Lady Elizabeth
Study Break 2012
As I mentioned this morning, our family recently returned from my study break. In this post, I want to share a few more things about our experience than
Returning To Church
On May 5, 2012, CNN’s “Belief Blog” featured a column by Andrea Palpant Dilley entitled, “My Faith” Returning to Church, Despite my Doubts.” She described her
Favorite Sermons of the Year — #1
Here it is….my favorite sermon from the past year: #1:LIFE {TOGETHER} (#15): Identity This sermon used an illustration about the clothes that we wear to
Everyday Mercy
Every time you draw your breath, you suck in mercy. –Thomas Watson, (c. 1620—1686), English Puritan preacher and author
Favorite Sermons of the Year — #2
Several of my favorite sermons came from our “Ten Commandments of Community” mini-series. My second favorite sermon of the year was… #2: LIFE {TOGETHER} (#18): Talk Truthfully
God Told Me
JIM’S NEW BOOK IS OUT! We weren’t expecting his book to be released until mid-July so we were surprised to get the following picture from