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Belonging and connection are hardwired into every human soul because we are created for community. The recent discovery of an extensive genealogical family tree sparked thoughts about what it means to belong not only to an earthly family but also to the family of God. Hope this article is an

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Christian Life

Gardening 101

On Sunday May 6, 2012, The Grand Rapids Press Homes section featured an article entitled, “Gardening 101.”  One of the tips for gardening success was: “Water properly. 

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The Small Group Outtakes

One of my favorite parts of the Life Together series in Ephesians were the “spoof” videos that the worship and media teams made as part of the

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Life Together

Training Up A Child

On Sunday, we looked at Ephesians 6:4, which instructs fathers not to “exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the

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Prayer Guide For Children

As I mentioned in the service this morning, I was given a copy of the March/April 2012 edition of PrayerConnect magazine this week.  Inside was the article,

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Life Together

Verses on Work

Sunday’s sermon, “Work,” from our Life Together series looked at God’s instructions for godly behavior at the workplace and in school from Ephesians 6:5-9. As you are reflecting

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Life Together

Sarah As A Model

In the sermon on Sunday (“Marriage, Part Two” — 4/29/2012), one of the statements I made was that the husband is not “lord” of the wife in

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Marriage (Part 2)

This morning we covered wives’ role in marriage as described by Paul in Ephesians 5.  I was not able to discuss a situation where a woman

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The Greatest Good

Our family’s favorite movie is the Pixar animated film The Incredibles. It is a very witty look at family life, with a lot of special superhero powers

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