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Not Irrelevant in God’s Eyes
Brock Purdy was “Mr. Irrelevant” in 2022, a nickname given to the last player selected in the NFL draft. One scout for a team that didn’t select Purdy concluded he was “not a very good athlete…limited arm, both in strength and throw repertoire.” However, Purdy has become the leader of
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Prayer as Kindness
In his recent sermon entitled Exile, as part of our series on doctrine explored through the lens of salvation history, exile was explained as “an extended
Shades of Light and Remember Me
My friend, Sharon Garlough Brown, released two related books in the past few months that I am delighted to recommend, especially as we prepare to
Going the Distance: Practices to Strengthen Your Faith
Going the Distance: Practices to Strengthen Your Faith is a booklet on the spiritual disciplines that I wrote for Discovery Series, part of Our Daily Bread
Creation Questions
I received lots of great feedback today on the sermon on creation that kicks off our series on sound doctrine. For those of you who
Never Forgotten
Today’s devotional came out of God’s gracious reminder to me that He can’t forget me…or you. May that be an encouragement to your heart as
Lessons from the Magi
As you read the Christmas stories this year recorded in the gospels, consider the men and women who recognized Jesus’ unique and miraculous birth. This
The Light of Christmas
This week, I had the opportunity to speak at the Women’s Bible Study Christmas Brunch about Jesus, the light of Christmas, (click here to access
Gratitude is a spiritual discipline that is important for me to practice on a regular basis, whether the week of Thanksgiving or the middle of
Listening to God Interview
Jim was interviewed about his book, God Told Me, for the 100th episode of Hole in My Heart Ministries’ podcast. They covered topics such as “How
My friend Jen Lane recently released a book, Transformed: Eating and Body Image Renewal God’s Way. I was delighted to interview her for a
This is Me
The lyrics of “This is Me” remind us to choose our words carefully. My reflections on the song inspired today’s devotional. If you have not heard
Reckless Love
“Reckless Love” is a popular, if sometimes controversial, worship song. In this article I talk about the idea of reckless love. If you need
Books on Suffering and Empathy
Two of my favorite books from this summer are my current “must read” recommendations. Elisabeth Elliot was a woman of faith whose many books inspired
I Will Fear No Evil
I enjoy all kinds of books but some of my favorites are memoirs because they can feel like extended testimonies, a reflection of God’s
Servant’s Heart
Today’s devotional focuses on the amazing number of ways parents, and specifically moms, serve their families. When it seems unnoticed or under appreciated, it is
Prayers for Children as They Head Back to School
Class is in session! This article outlines four specific ways we can pray for children as they begin a new school year. All is well,
Isaiah Questions
As we concluded our Isaiah series, we focused on the prophet’s vision of the future. Below is the graphic we created to explain this vision.
When Do Christians Go To Heaven?
To finish the book of Isaiah in our Sunday morning services, we will look at the Bible’s promises about the future. Last Sunday, the sermon